About Indoor Mapping

Spinclabs Indoor mapping solution is best suited for Indoor Positioning, Navigation and Tracking. Guiding users to navigate easily inside any of the premises like Hospitals, Retail malls, Airports, Offices spaces etc.

How does indoor positioning work?

Spinclabs Indoor positioning works with WIFI, Bluetooth devices merged with sensor data from smartphones (Compass, gyroscope and accelerometer) to provide real time location information inside the premises with accuracy of less than 5 metres.

Indoor Map Digitization


We convert architectural drawings into interactive & digital indoor spaces with geolocation accuracy.


We ingest the CAD drawings /PDF to create the digital maps. We use the latest GIS tools and technology and match it to on ground geo reference location. Extract the features like Point,Line, & Polygon for Navigation like purpose. And provide the output in GeoJSON and IMDF.

Indoor Mapping Solution for Navigation

Map solution to give new experience of wayfinding to your customers on Mobile app, websites and Kiosks.

Enter into the world of indoor navigation with our cutting edge technology to help you navigate easily on Mobile apps, websites or kiosks.

Enhance your building experience with Spinclabs Indoor Mapping Solution. Enjoy high-tech features like indoor navigation, seamless indoor-outdoor transitions, automatic floor detection, & turn-by-turn guidance, ensuring efficient & intuitive navigation.


Provide learning experience to customers through Indoor Geo analytics

Let your visitors explore the venue on a mobile app. Use it to run advertisements, marketing campaigns or promotional offers. Experience the new world of Geo marketing, Measure footfall of the customers. Find out the concentration point and leverage the data to plan and manage services staffing and spaces.

Indoor Positioning and Tracking

Track outdoor to indoor seamlessly using our indoor positioning technology solution.

Audit workforces and services

Help your service locate the location on a mobile app with guided turn by turn instruction and at same time track the person to monitor the job. This ensures proper execution and monitoring of tasks.


Indoor positioning - customization

Use our solution to provide custom requirements of indoor positioning which best suits your needs.

Use Cases